Mushroom Mafia
Steam Generator & Pasteurizer
Steam Generator & Pasteurizer
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Every version contains 1 steam generator unit but you can then choose the number of heating elements and pasteurizing troughs that you want to order.
- Thermometer
- Blow off valve at .5 PSI
- Steam fittings. All fittings are triclamp sanitary fittings
- Steam hoses
- Steam is generated 5500 watt elements, 30 Amps a piece, up to 3 elements
- We can weld on other bungs so that you can produce steam faster
- Stainless steel float valve inside controls automatic water feed
- 14 gauge custom stainless steel lid, butterfly-style, with handles. Keeps heat in; adjustable vents allows a greater degree of steam control and pasteurizing process
- Local delivery and set for $300 (Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Further away? Call and we’ll figure it out!)
- Comes with 1 vessels but can be upgraded to 2 vessels
- Drain in bottom of pasteurizing vessel
- Coming soon: HEI – touch screen PID controlled steam cycling
- Comes with electrical whips that you must wire in to 220v main
- 8’ L x 3’ W x 2’ H dimensions